Why Invest in Linkedin ads Services
Reach business professionals on LinkedIn with paid campaigns that engage, attract, and convert. Delivered targeted ads to users based on their job title, industry, location, and more.
Determining which LinkedIn Ads are right for you.
LinkedIn offers four types of ads: sponsored content, sponsored messaging, text ads, and dynamic ads. Here’s a breakdown of how to decide which type of ad is right for your business.
Sponsored content.
These ads will appear in the LinkedIn feeds of targeted users and allow businesses to reach audiences that are not already following them on the platform. There are three subtypes of Sponsored Content Ads:
- Single Image Ads: As the name suggests, these ads include a single image, alongside an ad title, a small amount of introductory text, and a URL to point users to your website or LinkedIn page.
- Video Ads: Video Ads will also include an ad title and introductory text, but the video format and size is a little more specific.
- Carousel Ads: Carousel Ads show a series of images and allow users to swipe from image to image. These kinds of ads are helpful to show multiple products or services that your company offers.
Sponsored messaging.
While Sponsored Content ads appear in LinkedIn’s news feed section, Sponsored Messaging ads appear in the inboxes of LinkedIn users. LinkedIn offers two options for Sponsored Messaging ads:
- Message Ads: These ads include a subject line, a short note about your business, and can even be tailored to each specific audience member using macros.
- Conversation Ads: These ads allow the user to have a choose-your-own-path experience, and include multiple action buttons for each step of the conversation.
Text ads.
Text Ads include a small image, a title, a short description, and a destination URL. These ads can appear at the top or on the right side of almost any page on LinkedIn.
Dynamic ads.
Dynamic Ads are highly personalized to an individual user’s profile data, such as their company name, profile photo, or job role. LinkedIn offers three types of Dynamic Ads:
- Follower Ads: These ads are used to encourage users to follow your company’s LinkedIn page. The ad features the user’s name and profile photo, as well as your company’s logo and name.
- Spotlight Ads: The purpose of Spotlight Ads is to increase engagement with your company website or page, including job applications. These ads use the same information as Follower Ads, with slightly different ad copy.
- Jobs Ads: Jobs Ads tailor job openings at your company to LinkedIn users with similar qualifications or past job roles. These ads will appear in one of three ways depending on how many positions the user matches with.
Interpreting results & ad tracking.
Blackhawk Digital Marketing is experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to running effective LinkedIn advertising campaigns. Here’s a closer look at some of the specific services we offer with regards to LinkedIn advertising:
Campaign setup.
- Conversion tracking: Conversion tracking is the ability to track and record the number of desired actions taken on your website or LinkedIn page.
- Performance analysis: LinkedIn’s algorithm favors ads that are performing well, which means ads with low engagement can affect the success of your whole campaign. We monitor the performance of each ad and strategically stop showing ads that are weakening a campaign.
- Ad bidding: LinkedIn’s ad bidding services allow the highest bidder to pay only the minimum amount to outbid second place. We have extensive knowledge of ad bidding best practices and will make sure you get the most of your ad budget.
Audience targeting.
- Matched Audiences: The Matched Audiences tool allows us to combine audience targeting information from your business with LinkedIn’s professional data. There are four ways to use Matched Audiences within LinkedIn:
- Retargeting: Retargeting allows us to tailor an audience even further using website visit and actions taken data.
- Company Targeting: This feature allows us to find company pages to target based on a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be uploaded into LinkedIn Advertising.
- Contact Targeting: Contact Targeting works similarly to Company Targeting. While Company Targeting aids us in finding company pages to advertise to on LinkedIn, Contact Targeting does the same with user profiles.
- Lookalike Audiences: The Lookalike Audiences tool finds similar audiences, as well as new audiences within existing ones.
Layered Targeting: Layered Targeting consists of combining information from tools such as Matched Audiences with others targeting strategies, such as demographics or location targeting.
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Best Marketing Agency
Blackhawk’s team of digital experts drive engagement, brand awareness, conversions, or job applications with LinkedIn Ads management services.